Saturday 21 December 2013

The time we accidentally climbed a mountain

In Japan, I seem to have picked up a tendency to blindly follow people on adventures, and this time was no different! We went off on the hunt for Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Oops, we got off at the wrong station in the middle of nowhere 

Massive lunch, mountain climbing energy food

Mini castle on top of a sign post

The beast to be climbed

Choo choo

Before the climb we stopped at a beautiful and peaceful garden within a sort of temple.

We were able to sit quietly on the walkway around the building, where we could listen to the very tradition music, and take in this beautiful garden. One felt incredibly at peace

Traditional armour

A place within the building where one could pray

The garden from another angle 

The Climb

And so we began to climb, the whole village was fairly steep at points, and to begin with some of us believed we only had to climb up a few steep rounds to get to this castle, we were not prepared for any actual climbing not on concrete...

This isn't so bad you think to yourself, were that is because at the worse bits I was too tired to take any pictures :P

At the point in the right picture we though that was it at the top of these stairs, how wrong could we be...

Awhile later and...
...Half way...

Surely we must almost be there, the sun is already starting to get low in the sky

(I was rather impressed by the angle this tree had grown at though)

(majestic looking dog with picturesque background)

...We made it! This better be the best damn castle I have ever seen...

Okay it looks pretty cool, but inside it was pretty empty

But the views...

(Minecraft dog?)

Then we realise we are the only ones left, at the top of this mountain in a castle, and the sun is setting. No sooner have we got to the top do we have to hurry back down again.

Though it looks pretty in this light don't you think?

Bye bye castle

Hello sunset

Eventually we trek back down the mountain in the dark, meeting no others, and seeing only one car when we were near the bottom. We walked exhaustedly back to the station, where I think we all struggled to keep going, and after the train ride we had to cycle all the way back from the station.

(right: designated train seat for disabled, elderly or pregnant people)

We stopped at Gasto on the way home, and I got a baked sweet potato, with ice cream and maple syrup :D 

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