Wednesday 18 December 2013

Tatami factory and beautiful views

 As part of one of our modules, we get to go on trips on an almost biweekly basis, and on this week we were to go to a Tatami factory. 

Tatami is the traditional flooring that you often see in old style Japanese houses, and even today most Japanese houses have either a specific area or room with tatami mats still. 

The university provided us with a coach to the factory, and we provided the road trip snacks. 


 I keep seeing these ducks or their frog equivalents along the roadside holding barriers up, pretty cute though, and the giant octopus in the background really adds the Japanese to it. 

 After a tour of the factory and being shown the huge machines that wove the fabric, we got a chance to make our own tatami mat! We chose the patterns we wanted from a large selection, so everyone ended up with different mats.

 So I was too distracted creating my master piece to take any "the making of" photos, so here is the finished product, as if by magic :D 

And then home again, with the sun low in the sky I got some pretty decent shots considering they were with a phone and out of the window of a moving bus 

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