Wednesday 18 December 2013

Kitkit update

It has been awhile since I last posted, and I have been ever so busy since then, with trips and adventures all over the place!

So I thought it best to start with a little post on one of my favourite things to collect (and eat) in Japan, kitkats :D as you may know kitkats are pretty special in Japan, with each Prefecture having its own flavours that you cannot buy anywhere else. For example Hiroshima is famous for its citrus fruits and therefore in Hiroshima you can buy citrus kitkats, which by the way is delicious!

At halloween I was able to buy pumpkin kitkats (possibly my favourite so far)

And in Kyoto I bought green tea, black tea and what I think is cinnamon biscuit (tastes like Christmas) Kitkats

In fact the Japanese love kitkat so much that at the post office you can buy special kitkats which you put an address and a stamp on,  and can then simply post them!

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