Wednesday 18 December 2013

Okayama general update and temple visit

General Update
I decided my room looked a little glum so I jazzed up my door, though it now hurts my eyes a little...

These are phone charms, and yes all this food is life sized, I dont know about you, but I think a life sized fried egg hanging from my phone would get annoying fast!

Cute panda mugs that hold hands eeeeeee....

Well at least it rhymes!


So we decided to visit the local temple in the evening and stay out until sunset.

At temples there is always an opportunity to get a fortune of some sort, either from a booth where an woman gives you pieces of paper at random, or through a machine which you put ¥100 yen into. These fortunes may be good or bad. If they are bad you are supposed to tie them to posts like the one below, and this will prevent the bad thing happening. However if it is good, I have heard mixed opinions on what to do, some Japanese have told me to take it home, whilst others said I should still tie it to the post. I love the below picture because everywhere else I have been there has only ever been pristine and new looking pieces of paper tied up, but this temple had a lot less traffic, so less fortunes being told and tied. Some of these fortunes were little more than dust, and must have been there for months at least. 

A small cemetery 

A shrine gate in the foreground, and the city in the background

Across the roof tops of the temple

The bigger cemetery sprawling into the distance. It was interesting how much less eery the Japanese burial places feel compared to British ones, even at night in the dark they felt a lot more calm and peaceful than any cemetery I have ever been to before. 

Across the graves onto the city below. 

Evening began to fall, and people started to turn lights on. Sadly as it was so cloudy we did not get to see much of the mountains or a sunset :(

And my lack of a decent camera made night shots pretty difficult. But here it is, Okayama city by night

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