Monday 28 October 2013

'Popin Cookin' Sushi sweet kit

About a week ago I spotted this in the supermarket, and I vaguely remembered watching a youtube video about this product a few years ago. So I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to buy it and try it out!

 Unfortunately for me, of course, the instructions were all in Japanese, so my attempt at making these sweets is largely the product of guess work...

Inside: 1 mould, 1 spoon, 1 pipet, 1 moulding sweet, and many sachets of magic

Somehow one packet of magic with the addition of water turned into a 'rice' ball. 

 This one is turning into an egg omelette 'tamagoyaki'

 You can see the tamagoyaki and some form of meat (maybe 'salmon') in the background in their moulds. In the foreground I am attempting to make sushi shaped balls of 'rice'. 

Aha! Partial success! 

Now to make the fish egg things that go on top of the wrapped sushi. I swear this part was magic. Sucked up the red liquid with the pipet, dropped it in the clear stuff, scoop it out and pop them on the sushi! Well it fascinated me at least.

 And tada, tiny little sweet sushi's, with a penny for scale. Sure they are not pretty and I made a lot of mess, but I had fun and that is the important part.

(I haven't tried one yet, so they might taste gross!)

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