Saturday 12 October 2013

Day 12

At some point I plan to dedicate a whole post to some of the weird and wonderful foods I have seen or eaten since I arrived, I seem to have already stockpiles quite a few pictures! 

This is a kit to make jelly sweets in the shape of sushi!  
How could I resist buying?! 
Grapes the size of small plums, 1p for scale.

Anyway this post isn't to be about food, it is a small picture heavy update

Slightly heart shaped leg bruise from my bike

Traditional Japanese houses
A park near my accommodation,
with mountains in the background :)
Now a few more products I have found, for which I can provide no explanation... 

In other news, I signed up to a ridiculously overpriced contract in Japan, with it I get a very fancy phone, which apparently comes with a talking sheep application. But of course he is in Japanese, so besides the fact that the character presents me with cake every so often, he is of little use to me :(

I have learnt that no matter how expensive your contract is, it never includes texts, so everyone communicates via email, which is new to me. Furthermore, my phones email has already got on a spam list somehow (I suspect the phone company sold our email addresses), which means I am constantly getting weird texts about buying stocks   o.O  

Also one feature Japanese phones seem to have that English ones don't have, or at least modern ones do not, is an antenna. Watching films and TV on your phone is so popular here that they force TV deals onto you when you buy the phone, and the phone comes with a massive antenna.

Put all my pictures up to remind me of home
 and the awesome people back in England 

The TV I found

I was incredibly happy today to buy a kettle! Not so happy that I have now created a serious fire hazard with all the plugs in my kitchen :/

Bonus picture of Dave the tortoise and his lego house...

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