Wednesday 6 November 2013

Japanese Indian food

About a week ago, and for the second time since I arrived in Japan, I went for Indian food. 

 One thing that is easy to forget, whenever we eat 'Indian', 'Chinese' or 'Japanese' food back home, it always has somewhat of an English twist to it. Many of the foreigner dishes we love in England, simply aren't available in their original country and would be unrecognisable  to natives. I guess a large part of it is that chefs have to consider the taste buds of their diners, and what ingredients they have available. 

As a result, Japanese 'Indian' food, is very different from English 'Indian' food, and I guess miles away from real Indian food. For example the curry is served with Japanese sushi rice, and there isn't a korma or vindaloo in sight.

It isn't all bad news, whilst the curry choice was limited, my naan options were impressive! Cheese naan, almond naan, and my choice peanut butter naan bread :D I am also told that in another restaurant, there is chocolate naan!!!

 All in all, it is pretty delicious, even with a Japanese twist, and I already have a loyalty card :)

Bonus: a shop that caused me to giggle like a little Japanese school girl on the ride home 

 and my post dinner snack, heart shaped purple pocky! Would definitely recommend 

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