Sunday 13 October 2013

Korakuen Garden, one of the three most beautiful gardens in Japan.

 So yesterday we visited Korakuen Garden in Okayama, which as a student of the university we get free entrance into! 
Okayama is famous for its fruits, in particular its peaches, so of course I had to try the peach ice cream!
Because I, in my humble opinion, think these pictures are pretty, for this post I shall make them giant sized :)  

A distanced shot of the castle, which I shall visit at a later date

Children feeding the giant koi that inhabited the pond on the island in which the gardens were situated.  

View from up the stairs

Incredibly peaceful in this building, you cannot really tell from the picture, but the stream ran through the middle. Everyone removed their shoes and just listened to the running water.

A crane landing as evening began to fall. 

A little wikipedia and pamphlet knowledge if you want to know more:

"In 1687, the daimyo Ikeda Tsunamasa  ordered Tsuda Nagatada to begin construction of the Korakuen. It was completed in 1700 and has retained its original appearance to the present day, except for a few changes by various daimyo....In 1884, ownership was transferred to Okayama Prefecture and the garden was opened to the public. The garden suffered severe damage during the floods of 1934 and during World War II bombing in 1945, but has been restored based on Edo period paintings and diagrams."

Bonus picture, apple pie latte and Krispy Kreme donut :D 

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