Friday 4 October 2013

The day I learnt not to accept random drinks in Japan

Day 4: 

The first day I haven't had a nap, and I am feeling ridiculously proud! I woke up at 4am, after a nap the night before had turned into a proper sleep. 

Today has been my busiest day so far, and things are finally starting to settle down and slot into place. 
I got a new bike, well I say new, it is new to me at least. I had to register my bike to me, and apparently I have to carry this ID around to prove it is mine if stopped by the police. Already the light on my bike doesn't work, also not good, and my breaks sounds like a dying banshee. But besides that it does the job. Interestingly though, none of the bikes here seem to have any gears or suspension, I guess this is due to the fact that the land is essentially flat everywhere, and because everyone cycles everywhere, the pavements are very even and well kept. Nevertheless, a day of riding about has resulted in a bruised bum, achey arms and back, and a huge bruise on my knee (which I am sure I shall post a picture of at some point).

A couple of lovely Serbian girls I met, and myself, had a slightly unsuccessful trip into town to get mobiles. It seems that I have to settle for renting an outdated mobile at a ridiculous price, or I have to pay upfront for a smartphone, plus pay an inflated rate (about £45 a month) for the contract, a long with a £60 cancellation fee when I leave. On top of this there is no guarantee that the smartphone will work back in England :/

Our next adventure was to get my first Japanese sushi (yayyy!), which was crazy cheap! For about £3.50 you got a big bowl of miso soup, three plates of sushi and as much tea as you could drink :D 

Then to 'Love Drug', I guess their equivalent of Boots. Whilst wandering around I spotted a funny item on the shelves, so I picked it up, photographed it, and returned it. A minute of so later a shop worker appears handing me and the others a drink. For whatever reason I do not connect these two events, and so I proceed to drink it. Thinking to myself "ooo this is quite tasty". The the realisation, he had handed me a sample of とってもおいしい プラセンタ or in English, 'Delicious Placenta'.

Does this make me a cannibal? 

Some other hilarious items with random English words on them...

Just look how sad that pore is! 
'Flap it every day'

'Nudy Aura'?
'Acnes'? Plural? 

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