Saturday 9 November 2013


A belated post, because I have already become lazy in my updates.
Please take a picture of Bruce demolishing a pumpkin as my way of apology! 

Much of the world celebrates halloween, but for each country it takes a different form. For some the focus is on trick or treating, sending children off to knock on strangers doors and demand 'candy', for other countries the focus is on celebrating the souls of the dead. 

But for Japan, Halloween is something of a relatively new concept, and is largely linked with American pop culture. As a result it is not such a big deal here, and most Japanese people do not celebrate it at all. 

There is no 'trick or treating', which I guess is understandable it is a bit of a weird ritual. 
There is more of a fascination with American sweets, a lot more than in England, and FYI candy corn is disgusting. 
Pumpkins are frequently green, and I did not see a single carved pumpkin whatsoever!
Although you can buy pretty much anything in pumpkin flavour, however i think this is less to do with October 31st, and more to do with autumn (fall) as a whole.
I did not particularly see any decorations available to buy or displayed. And those I did see were definitely not scary. 
As for costumes, Japanese girls definitely dress cuter/sexier than European girls, but there is still no cleavage.
Whereas guys who I saw dressed up in town had really put effort into it, and some of them were seriously terrifying. Though many guys just opted to dress as women. 

Chubby monkey?
Yeh that is terrifying! 

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