Saturday 4 January 2014


Before I came to Japan the main things I wanted to do was go to Kobe and try real Kobe beef. I heard the stories, read the reviews and saved up my pennies (well yen). I was ridiculously excited, and pestered people to join me and help me make a reservation at one of the best restaurants (Wakkoqu) know for its use of the highest grade Kobe beef. 

 Course one:

 Course two: (Potato soup)

 Then the meat arrived! Look at the marbled beauty....

Course three:

Our personal chef begins to prepare the meat as we continue to eat our salad 

 He cuts the fattiest pieces up into smaller bits and uses them to keep the slices he isn't working with off the heat

Course four:

 Each piece only takes a few seconds to cook, and is essentially just seared on each side, anymore and the meat would virtually melt away.

The chef placed a few small pieces on our plate at a time, each a slightly different cut, and advised us on which of the these (left) to dip it into: mustard, salt, pepper and garlic chips (which I thought were corn flakes to begin with).

Then time for some vegetables 

As you can see we had two bowls of soy sauce, one we were told to add mustard to and one just straight. We also had rice, and a plate of pickle.  

 Remember those extra fatty bits that he put to the side earlier, well they had been nicely sizzling away this whole time get good and crispy...

So he chopped them up even smaller and mixed them into the bean sprouts, yummy! 

 I simply cannot express how amazing this meat was, and how it was every bit as good as I expected! 

Course five:

 Where the magic happened

The meal itself cost about ¥13,000, with an addition ¥2,000  for the chef, so in total the whole experience set me back around £87. Though if I am honest, I would do it again! 

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