Wednesday 12 March 2014

Kibitsu shrine

As part of one of my courses I had to visit Kibitsu shrine and write a paper on it.

At this particular part of the shrine expectant, or new, mothers would come and make offerings and pray to the particular gods in the hope of being good mothers and also for producing healthy milk for their children.

We were told that these boulders were special, and that if you were to sit beside them, and place your ear to the hole you can see (in the middle boulder), you would be able to hear the whispers on the gods buried below

 We continued to clamber through the forest surround Kibitsu shrine, and eventually came to a small building where another god resided. Under normal circumstances we would not be allowed to go inside, and we definitely wouldn't be allowed to peak behind the curtain, but as it happened a construction worker was there who allowed us in and pulled the curtain back, allowing us a look at the god behind.


(left) a sign outside of a school I visited

(right) some interesting crisps we discovered

(below) my first manga's in Japan, which I may have bought purely because there was a dog on the front

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