Thursday 17 April 2014

Valentines Day

Valentines Day in Japan is different, it is more Japanese...more cutesy...

I am told that normally girls, either today with their friends, or on their own, make delicious chocolate treats for those they fancy the night before Valentines Day. Then on Valentines Day they give these incredibly overdone and cute treats to the guys in their lives. Supposedly some girls give out gifts to more than one guy, with the attention to detail and effort put into creating that chocolate varying with how much they like the guy.

This may seem quite one sided, where are the gifts for the girls you ask?! Well Japan has an extra holiday a month later for just that, White Day on March 15th. On White Day the guys give gifts to all the girls who gave them chocolate on Valentines Day. So the hottest guy in High School ends up having to give out a lot of gifts. On top of that, the presents to boys give are supposed to be of much higher value, something more substantial than chocolate. One guy told me that it had to be worth 10 times what the girl give!

On that note, Steffi and I decided it would be a good idea to make chocolates on Valentines Day for everyone we knew (and maybe cash in on White Day)....

And Japan being Japan, there was a lot of stuff in the shops to make the chocolate creating process more convenient, and more elaborate

Though I guess you could say we were not the most skilful at creating chocolate masterpieces, and we ended up suffering a few casualties 

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