Monday 21 April 2014

A Mariam lost in Korea (Part I)

Two things before we begin my journey to Korea:

First, one thing Japan is well known for it these masks, so I thought I would include the only existing picture of me wearing one... you are welcome!

Secondly, the day before going to Korea we were in Starbucks and the girl working there asked where we were from, so instead of our names on our coffee, we got this instead :P

Right with that out of the way, our journey begins! First we had to travel to Osaka by bus, which takes about three hours, we stopped at a service station along the way, and I was able to get hot food out of a vending machine, which never ceases to amaze me!

"Taiyaki is a Japanese fish-shaped cake. The most common filling is red bean paste"

Below, our first view of Osaka

I thought it was pretty cool how a combination of pollution and general fog meant that this bridge literally disappeared into the clouds

Our plane!! Eeeeeee

Our first meal in Korea at "I Wanna Chicken", some of the best chicken I have ever eaten!

Our hostel was pretty decent, and at only £15 a night for double rooms it was well worth it for the middle of Seoul. Plus the bathroom came with bonus lizard friends 


Our first trip was to the Korean War Museum

There were many very cool paintings and artefacts as you wandered around the different eras of warfare in Korea

The below room is the Memorial Hall, dedicated to the memory of patriots involved in past war efforts. It was filled with sculptures and artwork all under the theme of overcoming hardship, and working towards the unity, prosperity and eternity of the nation.

You might be able to see a single stream of sunlight coming through the ceiling into the centre of the pool, a symbol of hope and peace for the future.

On a more curious note, I found this strange tea in the vending machine there, but I figured for Job's sake I wouldn't try it

Then being the children that we are, we played on the planes

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