Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Mariam Lost in Korea (Part 4)

Day 5

We began our day with a visit to a craft village where we got a chance to try our hands at gold leafing.

Dog Cafe - Bau Haus Hongdae

This was one of the biggest highlights of our trip to Korea, I love dogs and to be in a room full of them was my idea of heaven! When we entered we were given a choice of small or big dogs, we picked big dogs and therefore ended up in this glorious room. 

Like the cat cafe, there was no specific entrance fee, but you are required to order at least one drink

There were dogs everywhere, it was awesome! 

But if that wasn't enough, you could buy a bag of treats, once you dished out one treat, all the dogs became your best friend! 

Day 6

A day exploring Seoul's Markets

We went to two different markets and both were filled with people, new sights and smells, it was fascinating and I felt like a proper tourist as I stared at all the new things. 

Day 7
Home time!

Time to return back to home, sweet home, Japan :)

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