Friday 13 September 2013

Luggage drama

It took me far too long to decided on what suitcase to buy as I got confused and distracted by all the specs, reviews and questions I had to bare in mind, like 
1) How many wheels do I want?!
- What are the chances said wheels are going to fall off? Causing me to abandon my possessions
2) Hard case or soft case?
-Will it split if I overfill it, leaving my clothes sprawled across the runway?
3) What size?
4) (and most importantly) What colour?
- I what to look good whilst wheeling this bad boy around the airport in flustered panic!

If I am honest I didn't have a clue, whilst choosing I was pretending to myself that I was some sort of suitcase connoisseur... "ahh yes, it is very important that it is lightweight and durable, and it must be able to withstand winds of up to 80 mph", but in reality I was thinking "oooo it is purple!".
This, however, may have backfired as I now have two ridiculously huge suitcases (but in the colours I wanted).
Bruce: "are..are you leaving me? :("

As a result I have managed in a practice pack, to get all my clothes into a single suitcase with space left over! Leaving one bag for hair products, shoes and food :D 
Bonus picture: Nutella & Go! = nom nom nom

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